About Us
Foster Source is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization offering trauma education, relief services and therapeutic services to foster and kinship families throughout Colorado. We partner with the Colorado Department of Human Services, many of Colorado’s 64 counties, as well as dozens of child placement agencies, partner non-profits and schools.
Up to 70% of new foster parents quit within the first 1-2 years. Foster Source is changing that. We know that when we pour services into foster parents, they foster better and they foster longer. When this happens, children remain in stable placements and heal.
Our mission is to provide relevant training, resources and support to foster and kinship parents from a trauma-informed approach, giving them the skills and confidence to spark healing in vulnerable children.
Inspiring lasting healing in vulnerable children through confident, compassionate foster and kinship parents.
For 3 years, Foster Source founders Renee and Brian Bernhard flourished as dedicated foster parents in Adams County. As their experience grew, Renee and Brian committed to caring for 10 children and adopting a beautiful son. They realized that today, more is expected, demanded, desired, and needed from foster parents – way beyond what the county could assist with. The Bernhards began diligently chartering their own path, a path to help children from trauma heal by educating and supporting their caregivers – a path that others would use as a resource to thrive in their own wonderful, hard, beautiful, exhausting, productive, amazing foster experiences. The Bernhards started from the ground up with action and hard work – hosting a support group for fellow foster parents out of their home, serving on the Foster Parent Advisory Committee for the county, acting as a liaison between foster parents and the county regarding issues of concern. When they decided to close their home to future foster care placements, they knew they still had a charge to fight for foster parents – for children. For our communities. Our future. This is not about foster parents ‘having it all.’ This is about self-determination. This is our fight, our dream: A foster family’s right to participate to their fullest. To give their best. To actively build futures.