Why did you create a portal?
A portal allows our clients to access all of our services in one location. By simply creating an account, caregivers and caseworkers can now attend trainings, request relief items, sign up for therapy and submit their interest in our equine parenting practice labs. This keeps everything in one place for the client and helps us better track what services our caregivers are using.
How do I create an account in the Caregiver Portal?
Begin by going to https://fostersource.org/portal/ and clicking “Create Account”.
Your email and login to our previous online classroom is NOT your login to the portal. You need to create a new account.
Click here for screenshots to walk you through the account creation.
I keep landing back on your website. How do I stay in the portal?
Begin by going to https://fostersource.org/portal/ and clicking “Create Account”.
Your email and login to our previous online classroom is NOT your login to the portal. You need to create a new account.
Once you are logged in, use the navigation buttons on the left to use the portal. Use the navigation buttons at the top of the screen to return to our website. Click here for step by step instructions to stay in the portal.
How do I register for a class in the portal?
Click here for step by step screenshots of registering for a class.
I'm a foster or kinship caregiver outside of Colorado. Can I use the portal?
Foster and kinship parents in New Mexico can access our classes and therapy services free of charge thanks to our partnership with New Mexico Child First Network. If you are not in Colorado or New Mexico, you are welcome to use the portal to attend or view our classes. A small fee of $10 per class is charged for caregivers outside Colorado, as well as adoptive parents in Colorado. Caseworkers, CASAs and other miscellaneous users pay $25.00 per class to help us maintain the classroom.
Relief and therapeutic services are not currently available outside of Colorado.
We would love to partner with your local county and agency to make our services available to you free of charge. Please put us in touch with your county or agency by emailing us at info@fostersource.org.
How do I request an item (relief services) in the portal?
After creating an account at https://fostersource.org/portal/ , click on “Relief Service Requests” on the left. Click here for step by step instructions for submitting a relief services request in the portal.
How do I request therapy services in the Caregiver Portal?
Begin by creating an account or logging in to the Caregiver Portal. Click here for step by step instructions for requesting therapy in the portal.

What are relief services?
Foster Source provides items to help soften the child welfare experience for foster and kinship caregiverss and the children in their care.
Where can I get a weighted blanket?
Start by creating an account in the portal here: https://fostersource.org/portal. After logging in, click on “Relief Services Requests” on the menu on the left. A weighted blanket should be about 10% of a child’s body weight. Always check with your child’s caseworker and therapist before using weighted items. Click here for a step by step guide to submitting a relief services request.
Where can I get clothing for the children in my care?
We can make a referral for you to shop at A Precious Child in Broomfield.
We can make a referral for you to Big Hearts Closet in Aurora.
We can make a referral for you to the Closet Cooperative in Aurora.
We can make a referral for you to Operation Foster Hope in Firestone.
You can shop at Haven Clothing Company in Arvada without a referral.
You can visit our office in the Adams County Human Services building. We sit in one of the smaller boutiques for A Precious Child. Here, you can shop for about a week’s worth of clothes. We also have intake bags that include 24 – 48 hours worth of supplies that are gender, size and season specific from Meghan’s Wish.
Where can I get a toddler bed, car seat, crib, bouncer seat, high chair, etc.?
Foster Source can post an “ask” on our Facebook page on your behalf and you can follow up with the donor directly. Foster Source can also order a used item and you can pick up at a Westminster or Aurora location. Submit your initial request to get started by creating an account in our caregiver portal here: https://fostersource.org/portal. Click here for a step by step tutorial for submitting a relief services request.
Where can I get mattresses?
Foster Source has a partnership with Mattress Firm that allows certified foster parents to purchase mattresses and bed frames at cost and ship directly to your home. You may submit your request through our caregiver portal here: https://fostersource.org/portal/. Under “Items Needed”, select mattress, and we will email you the information to proceed. If you are unable to purchase, we will sponsor the mattress for the foster or kinship family. Click here to see a step by step guide for submitting a mattress request.
I've been asked to take a sibling set and need bunk beds.
Please submit a request through our caregiver portal after creating an account here: https://fostersource.org/portal. Click here to see a step by step guide to submitting a relief services request.
Where can I get diapers and wipes?
You can also request diapers and wipes through our caregiver portal by creating an account here: https://fostersource.org/portal. Arrangement for pick-up would need to be made for our Westminster or Aurora locations. We can ship items to foster parents outside of the metro area. Click here for a step by step guide to submitting a relief services request.
I need respite care. Can you help?
Foster Source has respite events throughout the year. Please check our website or follow us on Facebook for the latest information on these events. If you are in need of immediate respite care, submit a request at fostersource.org/respite and we will post the information on our Facebook page. From there you can follow up directly with any foster parents who are available. Please be sure to always get respite approved by the county/certifying agency of both sets of foster parents.
NOTE: The Respite Source is launching soon and will be available through the same login as our new caregiver portal.

How can a foster or kinship caregiver be matched with a therapist?
We have a partnership with BetterHelp that helps us sponsor mental health therapy for foster and kinship caregivers in Colorado. There is no cost to the caregiver and caregivers can have a session every week. To request therapy, begin by creating an account or logging in to our Caregiver Portal. Click here to see a step by step guide to requesting therapy services.
Why do foster and kinship parents need therapy?
Foster and kinship parenting is very fulfilling, but it is also emotionally taxing. Often caregivers are not aware of the roller coaster of emotions they will experience. Therapy helps our parents process the secondary trauma and grief that come with parenting children from hard places. Our therapeutic services are helping foster and kinship parents continue to foster to prevent placements from being disrupted.
What is the Leader of the Herd program?
Leader of the Herd is a workshop for foster parents in partnership with Groundwork Ranch. As prey animals, horses are a lot like traumatized children; their survival depends on heightened awareness and knowing who to trust. That’s why working with horses offers a great opportunity for practicing parenting skills that are critical to developing a sense of safety and creating a healthy, healing home environment for foster and adoptive children who have survived trauma. Parents learn and practice essential skills for managing challenging, trauma-based behaviors. This is a 5 hour workshop. No riding is involved.
How can I register for Leader of the Herd and what does it cost?
Begin by creating an account and logging in to our Caregiver Portal. Click here to see the step by step process for being added to list for upcoming Leader of the Herd workshops. There is no cost for foster and kinship caregivers in Colorado to attend Leader of the Herd.

How much does it cost to take classes?
There is no cost for foster and kinship caregivers in Colorado and New Mexico. Out of state foster parents, as well as all adoptive parents, pay $10/class. Caseworkers, CASAs and other miscellaneous users pay $25 per class.
What time are classes held?
Our live classes are held on Saturday mornings from 9:30-11:30am virtually right now, but are also held throughout Colorado when we are able to go in person. The classes are always free for foster and kinship parents and always include free childcare, giving parents personal time of respite and kids time to spend with other children who have experienced similar displacement issues. Most trainings are recorded and available for on-demand viewing about a week after the live class is held.
How do I set up my profile?
Start by going to the Caregiver Portal, then select “Log In” if you already have an account. If you are new, select “Create Account”. When creating your profile, please provide all required information. Click here for step by step instructions for creating a profile.
Can I create a joint account with my spouse/significant other?
In order for you both to get credit and receive a certificate, you each need to have your own account/profile. If you create a joint profile, only one certificate with the user name will generate upon completion of the training. It is better for you to each have your own account and profile.
Can I register my spouse/significant other for a training from my account?
No. You would need to use your partner’s login credentials to access their account and register them from there.
Can my spouse/significant other and I watch a training together?
Yes. You each need to log in to your own account and turn on the training. You can mute one device and let it run while you both watch together on another device. The system must see that you have each logged in and attended the training under your own account in order to give you credit for the class.
How can I find trainings and events?
You can browse the catalog to see all upcoming events. This will display events that are going to be live in-person as well as events that will be live-virtual. You can also browse all upcoming live in-person events by using the “Search by type” filter in the catalog. Online training has two options for events. You can browse by using “Search by Format” and use either “Live” or “On Demand”.
How can I find upcoming support groups?
We call them “Connections” and typically offer them on the 4th Saturday of every month from 9:30-11:30am. You’ll find them listed in the course catalog.
How do I register for a training?
Once you find a training you would like to attend, click on the event title or the button on the event that says View. Here is where you can read about the event, the speaker for the event, and view the required components for completion. Select the button that says Register in the upper right corner. Click here for step by step screenshots of this process.
How do I register children for childcare for in person trainings?
How do I access trainings that I am registered for?
Once you have registered for an event, or multiple events, you can access them in the portal under the “My Classes” tab.
How do I complete the survey at the end of class?
Find the class under the “My Classes” tab, or by navigating to in the catalog. Click the “Video” tab. After you have watched the video, the “Survey” tab will be accessible. Complete the survey. Click here to see step by step screenshots of how to complete the survey.
Where can I view/print my training certificates?
All of your certificates for completed trainings will be stored in each individual class in the “My Classes” tab. Find the class for which you are needing the certificate. Click the “Video” tab. If you have taken the class and completed the survey, the certificate link should be clickable. When you click on the link, your certificate will download. Click here to see a step by step guide to downloading your certificate.
What about my certificates from the previous classroom?
All of your certificates for completed trainings in the previous classroom at https://fs.elevate.commpartners.com/ will be available in that classroom until October 31, 2022. Please plan now to download your certificates from the “Dashboard – Transcriptions & Achievements” section of your account before then. All of our current on demand classes are already available in the new portal and any new classes you watch in the new portal will create a certificate that will store in the new portal.
How do I cancel my registration?
Unfortunately, there is not a way for you to cancel your registration. Please contact us at learning@fostersource.org and we can cancel it for you. Make sure to include your name and the event that you need to cancel registration for.
Why do I have to pay $25 if I'm not a foster parent?
As a nonprofit, Foster Source is focused on providing support services for foster and kinship parents. The fee of $25 per class for other users helps defray costs for trauma-informed speakers and ongoing security/hosting of the Learning Source platform. If you are a case manager, teacher, social worker, CASA and/or adoptive parent(s), you can receive two hours of continuing education units as well. Perhaps more importantly, you help keep the Learning Source free for our caregivers! We appreciate your support.